Kayla Comried @KComried [Co Executive Yearbook Editor]
She walks into the gymnasium surrounded by students her own age and students several years younger. Usually, the bands from the high school, middle school, and intermediate school perform separately, but tonight at Parade of the Bands, they all come together as one band and one school.
Stephanie Hedtke, senior, has played the flute in the school band since she was in 5th grade. Tonight is the last chance she has to perform in the Parade of Bands, but she knows how each of the other grades feels because she has been in their shoes before. “Everyone involved performs ‘America the Beautiful,’ and then each grade performs their own songs,” Hedtke explained. This mix of grades is Hedtke’s favorite part of the night. “My favorite part is is hearing the different levels and how much everyone improves,” Hedtke commented. This collaboration of ages, however, also contributes to her least favorite part of the evening: the length.
With an event as big as this one it is only obvious that a ton of work has been put in by the students, but also the staff. Hedtke says they have been practicing for about a month, and she feels as though they are ready to perform. “We are ready, but we could be more prepared. We will still sound good tonight,” stated Hedtke. She is prepared to go out on a good note.
She prepares herself to play her part, knowing she will blow it out of the water. She is excited to see how the bands will work together and discover what the night will bring. Tonight they will come together as one school and one sound.