Alex Coleman @AlexColeman831 [Executive Daily Powwow Editor]
He revs the engine, heart pounding at the sight in front of him. Lain out ahead is a track full of twists, turns, and risky jumps. The adrenaline courses through him, all the possible things that could go wrong hanging in the air. He shakes it off, knowing that he’s done this a million times before, and kicks off to face the dirt track.
Elliot Kruser, freshman, has been doing this for years now. “I started dirt biking when I was nine,” Kruser commented. His neighbor had gotten him into the dangerous sport at the early age of nine. “I was really comfortable on pedal bikes and liked to go really fast,” Kruser explained, “next thing I knew I was riding dirt bikes.”
The Kruser family has been into this extra curricular for some time now. Both of Elliot’s brothers, Alex and Corbin, ride as well. “I go riding with Alex all of the time,” Kruser said. With all of the support from his siblings, it’s easy to see why Kruser enjoys riding; however, that is not the only reason. “I do it because it’s something I’m good at, and I really enjoy the competition aspect,” explained Kruser.
Like every sport, theres a prep to the riding. Every rider is different, but Kruser says he just goes about his day normally before a competition. Along with the sports side of things, there is also a certain feeling riders have when they’re out on the course. “You get butterflies in your stomach all the time,” commented Kruser, “when you’re in the you get this huge adrenaline rush.”
Kruser loves riding, and hopes to do it for a long time to come. It’s a fun way to release stress, and something a little bit more on the wild side of athletics. Who wouldn’t want to go on one of these crazy rides?