By: Alex Estes [Staff Writer]
Each day millions of women, young and old, mothers and daughters, are affected by the deadly disease known as breast cancer. Many tears are shed, and many lives are lost against the battle to fight the terminal illness. Close and beloved family members stay as strong as they can as they face the most deadly points of their lives.
Katie Kimball, senior, and her family have been affected by breast cancer. “My mom had it last year, it’s a really hard thing to go through,” she recalls. “[Our family] didn’t know what to expect,” she explains. Kimball had a hard time coping with the threat of losing the one she held closest. Her close friends were there for her the whole way. “[My family] didn’t know what would happen” she admits. Her family was as scared as she was.
Her mother is, sadly, not the only person in her family that has been diagnosed. “My grandma has been affected, too,” Katie explained. “I listened to music, and I had a journal that I wrote in, I didn’t really talk to anybody,” she admits. It was hard for Kimball to open up to others, because she didn’t know many people who had been affected like she had.
Now, Katie always helps to find a cure. “I support breast cancer walks and if our school has anything where we can donate I do that too,” Kimball knows what it’s like to go through nearly losing her mother. “[To fight breast cancer] you should definitely get checked regularly, and if you feel a bump, make sure you know what it is. Also you should catch it early. We should just keep working at finding a cure,” Kimball advises. Kimble has a lot of advice to give to those who are currently suffering.
Linda Livingston • Oct 16, 2011 at 12:32 pm
It was great to see this article raising awareness about breast cancer and giving us a glimpse into Katie, a terrific young woman. Although quiet on the surface, I know Katie has been a source of great strength for her family. She has traveled with me on mission trips and has a compassionate heart and keen insight – which I hope she will share more abundantly as she gains in confidence and in years. Katie and her family (Cherien-mom, Dan-dad, and Andrew-brother) have been tremendous examples of living your faith in the midst of life’s challenges. I have been blessed and honored by the privilege of sharing the journey of life with them. They are an inspiration on so many different levels. Cherien has a gift of being able to focus on the positive when most of us would be simply devastated. Alex – good job at interviewing Katie and getting her to talk. I know what a challenge that can be. ;>)
Catherine Seufferlein • Oct 15, 2011 at 6:09 pm
Katie, you and your family are an inspiration and example to many of us. I’m so grateful that Cherien is doing well and pray for continued good health. Go Kimballs! 🙂
Michelle DeYoung • Oct 14, 2011 at 7:11 pm
Nice article highlighting what you’ve been through, Katie. I am so proud of you and how you supported your Mom throughout this ordeal. I know she was able to lean on you and you could always make her laugh-the best medicine there is! Keep up the great work on awareness, support and prevention!
Your proud aunt from across the border,
Marc Ferguson • Oct 13, 2011 at 9:54 am
Good topic choice, Alex! Katie, her brother Andrew, her dad, and particularly her mother are all strong and special people. I attended a benefit last spring they had for Katie’s mom and I was blown away by the support that she and her family had! I am a better person for having known the members of the Kimball family!