By: Jordan Hansen, Opinion Editor
Waking up in the morning it feels like any other day of the week. That’s because it is. Every morning we have to wake up and be in school by 8:15 (Unless you have 1st block off, of course).
My question is.. WHY SO EARLY?! It’s ridiculous. No one likes waking up early. Most people are bad at it, and we usually end up stumbling out of our houses almost late for school. But why do the elementary kids get to go to school at around 9:00? Yes, nine. Most people would rather stay later at school than be at school earlier morning.
Think about it like this. When we walk into first hour, most of us are still half-asleep, and we don’t do our best work that early in the morning. To top things off, many people don’t get breakfast. Yes, the school serves breakfast, but there are no Poptarts. And when we don’t have Poptarts, bad things happen. Such as a mob of zombie like, angry, hungry students.
Stumbling out of the house, almost late, hungry, and in a bad mood…. everyone just knows it’s going to be another awesome day of being a student in high school.
Sam • May 27, 2011 at 3:28 pm
If the problem is waking up too early, then pushing the time that we have to wake up wouldn’t fix us being tired. In fact, if we were to push it back then the majority of the school, at least those that feel that this change would benefit them, would abuse this change and wake up even later than they are supposed to. The true problem lies in students not going to bed and waking up earlier. If a student was to do this they would have more time to prepare breakfast, more time to wake up before being faced with school work, and we’d still be able to get out of school at 2:45.
To answer your question, we wake up early so we can get out of school early. Likewise, we like to get out of school early so other activities can commence. Unless you want one’s school schedule to reinforce bad sleeping habits and advocate asinine activities that delay going to bed, then school starting at 8:15 is fine.
Jordan • May 27, 2011 at 12:18 pm
Well it’s simple logic, really. Students do better in school if they are not tired, and if there not hungry.
Later school start times could possibly solve both of those problems..
Marsid Nuho • May 26, 2011 at 9:39 pm
Why are American kids always complaining about stuff? Can’t you get over it, when I go back I’m am expected to be @ school @ 7:40 but be in class @ 8:00 is okay? I hope this helps to GET over it please!