By: Kaitlyn Nathem, Staff Writer
Sitting at home spending hours trying to figure out “¿Porque estoy aprendiendo español?” Foreign languages are becoming more and more important when getting into colleges. What most don’t understand though, is why? Why is it necessary to learn a language that you only use if you decide to travel out of the country? It’s ridiculous and unnecessary.
For most kids foreign languages are one of the most difficult subjects to learn and to remember. It’s frustrating for students who already have a hard enough time focusing on their English classes. Foreign languages such as Spanish and French cause kids to stress out about something they won’t need to use in their future, unless they decide to move out of the country.
The only reason most students are taking a foreign language is so they can get into a good, respectable college. A few years ago students only needed a few years or not any years of a foreign language. The sudden change could be because of different ethnicities coming to the United States. If this is the case, then why are the other kids new to the U.S. not needing to learn English? We’re making life more difficult for students now, then they ever used to because of the changes in the worlds society.
Foreign languages can be good to know and fun to talk in sometimes, but it should be optional to take the class. Colleges shouldn’t turn students away if they haven’t taken a foreign language. IF the career path that a student is taking doesn’t relate to any type of foreign language or travel, then it shouldn’t be necessary to take the class.
It’s unnecessary to take a foreign language if it’s unneeded in the future. Although it’s helpful to know when going places out of the U.S. it’s not needed if a person has a job that speaks only English and never travels anywhere where a foreign language is needed. Foreign languages should be optional for all students.