On Jan. 19, Kanye West posted on his Instagram story a picture of himself with a new set of teeth. These were no ordinary teeth. These were titanium dental implants. He gained these new teeth via prosthodontics. Prosthodontics is a type of dental treatment for replacing teeth. This service may include dental implants, dentures, crowns, and bridges. These new teeth may look cool, but this may have been one of the worst mistakes West has ever made.
West’s new dentist is Dr. Thomas Connelly. Dr Connelly is a celebrity dentist located in Beverly Hills. He has worked on various high-profile celebrity teeth, such as Post Malone, Lil Yachty, Shaquille O’Neal, Gunna, and now West. Recently, rumors have been surfacing that during the procedure, Dr. Connelly used Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) while working on West’s teeth. West’s former chief of staff and Many fans suspect this may have been the start of West’s new addiction.
On Aug. 7, West’s former chief of staff, Milo Yiannpoulos posted a long thread of allegations against Dr. Conelly on X. These posts contained accusations of Dr. Connelly getting West addicted to the gas. In one of his tweets, Yiannpoulos said “There is a reason Ye, formally known as Kanye West, is no longer capable of successfully releasing music or clothing. In fact, there are several reasons. But the most serious and most recent is his dentist, Thomas Connelly.” Yiannopoulos also submitted a 22-page sworn affidavit to the FBI and the California Dental Board. This letter started a formal investigation.
This affidavit has many statements and witnesses accusing various individuals of exploiting West to benefit themselves, but the most important claim was his heavy use of Nitrous Oxide. Yiannopoulos accuses Dr. Connelly of “the unlawful supply of enormous quantities of nitrous gas for explicitly recreational use.” In the affidavit, Yiannopoulos also stated that “By April, employees at all levels of the company were worrying about Ye’s dependence on the gas and speaking openly about it. Ye talked about it non-stop in meetings. He seemed to be in and out of the inhaler mask on a near-constant basis, even posting a video message to the MMA fighter Ryan Garcia on the subject.”
Around this period a junior Yeezy staff employee stated they saw Dr. Connelly carrying four large tanks of the gas to Bianca (West’s wife’s) apartment. Yiannopoulos also stated that Dr. Connelly was charging West around 50k a month for the gas and his services with the gas.
Photos of tanks of gas at Bianca’s apartment have not surfaced yet, but many text messages and videos confirm his overuse of the gas. Many texts have also supported the allegations sent towards Dr. Connelly.
Yiannopoulos confronted Dr. Connelly over text about the nitrous gas. Dr. Connelly didn’t deny the use and existence of the gas tanks, but said “As far [as] nitrous oxide usage, the tanks are empty and have been empty. Very little nitrous has been administered to Ye. As far [as] general anesthesia in the dental office, we are using a well-experienced, board-certified anesthesiologist and following all safety protocols to a T.”
West and his representatives at Yeezy have not sent out an official statement yet. But Dr. Connelly and his team were very quick to send out a statement denying these claims that were published in the affidavit. In Dr. Connelly’s statement, he denies the overuse of the gas and calls Yiannopoulos an uncredible source with a history of false statements.
At this point and time, Dr. Connelly has not made any legal action against Yiannopoulos. Until further notice, there is no way to know if these allegations are true or false. It is up to the community to form their own thoughts on this situation until more information comes out.