Over the years, as more tennis players take it to the court, the question comes up if it’s being taken seriously or not. Tennis is a fun activity many people enjoy when it’s nice out, but some do play competitively and hope to have a future within it.
Jay Dunlavey, senior and four-year varsity tennis player, said, “Tennis is not taken as seriously as other sports because people find it boring to watch, which I can completely agree with.” This can cause many people to lack confidence in the sport or just not want to play intensely. However, playing versus watching is a game-changer for most activities, especially this one. Emily Dunne, senior, said, “The coaches do a good job keeping it fun and lighthearted.” Having great coaches for anything can always help lead someone towards liking or hating the sport, so it’s crucial to have decent coaches who put in the work to push players and have fun. Dunne said, “It allows me to stay social and keep up with my friends.” Tennis is something that brings people together and allows someone to meet new people and create bonds.

Since this activity isn’t overly serious, it allows players to be themselves and have fun on the courts. Dunlavey said, “Tennis is both a fun sport and a serious sport. We try to have as much fun as possible, but when meets come, there is no fun. Only winning in our minds.” This transition has many positives because it’s allowing players to enjoy it but also push themselves when it’s time to play intensely. Dunne said, “There’s a good boundary between JV and varsity, allowing the players who might join just for fun on JV and players who take it competitively on varsity.” Setting this balance 100% allows that break of fun versus full commitment on any of the courts. Even if the majority of the team was just playing to enjoy it, it doesn’t mean an individual can’t succeed in the season. Dunlavey said, “It could have a negative effect for the year if players aren’t trying their hardest and not being able to have fun because you’re losing, which can definitely lead to a bad year, but there’s always room for growth.” If someone were to play competitively and have a bad season in any sport, they need to remember it’s okay to fail or lose. They can always practice and train harder for the next season to come.
Dunlavey said, “Our coaches will allow goofing off until it gets too far where we aren’t focused on the task at hand, which I feel is how it works in most sports.” Having the line of seriousness and fun is a good boundary for any activity because, at the end of the day, tennis is about having a good time, casually or competitively, spending time with friends, and getting some exercise in the mix. So, for those who want to give it a shot, it’s important to remember tennis is a great sport that allows anyone to enjoy it without facing the pressure of it being overly serious.