Remember being a child and dreaming of going to prom? The event would be shown in TV shows or movies, and people could just envision themselves being there. Well, recently there has been a surge of people not going to prom. An event that went from being dreamed and talked about relentlessly has dwindled to something not so important to many people. There may be many reasons for this new trend.
Prom has always been a big spectacle. Big enough that people spend thousands of dollars on a dress and accessories for the occasion, and if someone chooses to spend that much money, it is their prerogative. But sometimes people who do not have that much to spend are often shamed or are looked down upon. Ava Cooper, junior, said that she thinks prom “costs too much for it to be a school-based event.” Cooper also said, “Not every student or their parent/guardian is in the right financial situation to afford it… so students that may even want to go, can’t.”
Another reason people may not go to prom is the stigma around having to have a date. A lot of people feel like they shouldn’t go to prom if they do not have a special someone to go with. Andrew Henriksen, junior, is not going to prom because he doesn’t have a partner. He said, “Prom seems like an event where a couple would go together.”

Last of all, it may just be outdated. Although the Student Senate has tried to make the event fun again, prom has been around for a long time and has gone through many trends. Some may believe that the event has run its course, reached its peak, and is coming to an end. Cooper said, “I wouldn’t say it’s outdated. It’s just not the main focus point of MHS students’ lives, especially in the thick of spring sports.”
However, not going to prom comes with its fair share of opinions like “you’ll regret it” or even just judgment from other students. Cooper said, “I don’t think I’ll regret my decision because I chose not to go, and the fact that it’s only my junior year doesn’t have me too concerned about missing this year’s prom.” Cooper also said that “People who judge others for not going should take a step back and ask themselves why, whether it’s a financial situation or they just do not want to go.” Henriksen also said, ”[Going in the future] is a possibility, but I don’t see a point in going if I don’t have anyone to go with.”
Prom used to be an event everyone would go to, it didn’t matter if people were “cool” or not, prom attendance was a must. Now, the big event has become something that some consider to be lame or are just uninterested in going. So if prom is the event one decides to attend, just be advised that, to some, it’s not what it used to be.