As a kid, people tend to develop a dream for what they want to do when they grow up. It’s common for kids to hope to be famous athletes, astronauts, or even doctors. Marcos Doolin, senior, dreamed of being a baseball player. However, as he got older, he developed a new passion: to be a pastor.
Doolin grew up with his mom and two siblings. His dad passed away when he was just four years old, and it was hard for him to find hope and see positivity without a father figure. Doolin said, “Mom was gone working trying to provide for us, and seeing people with their dads hurt.” He adds how the lonely nights were tough, and there were times he thought about giving up. “No matter how bad it got, I couldn’t think like that. I had to keep going. He’ll always be watching over me,” said Doolin. Some years later, he was baptized but wasn’t fully committed to the faith until 2020 when he lost his aunt due to Covid. After this, he saw violent Black Lives Matter protests on TV. Doolin said, “That put fear and anxiousness in me, so I opened the Bible and read verses which gave me hope.” Then his faith started to thrive, and by 2021, he knew he needed to spread the gospel. So he did just that by creating a YouTube channel talking about various verses and faith. It was then he realized he had a passion for sharing the gospel, and he’s been pursuing it ever since.
As high school approaches its end, life is just beginning. Right off the bat, he’ll be going to Emmaus Bible College for pastoral ministry. He’s been on this path for years and has had various meetings and discussions with current pastors about it. “I want to spread the word and good news, in hopes of making the world a little bit better,” said Doolin. However, he has an incredibly busy schedule with high school, sports, work, and his passion for his future. At times it can be challenging to make sure everything gets attention. Doolin said, “It’s God. I pray about it and God balances it out.” He trusts his faith 100% and believes God will guide him on his journey no matter what.
As some time went on, he began writing his sermons. One that’s brought up a lot is about light. He talks about how even in a room full of darkness, all it takes is one light to brighten the space. At any point where things feel tough, he recommends anyone to pray but also take action. “Do what you pray about because God will guide you along the way. It’s faith and action,” said Doolin. It is not just about praying; it’s about believing and following a path that brings positivity. He hasn’t gone a day without prayer in years. Doolin said, “Prayer is like an inhaler to me; I can’t live without it.” This has allowed him to have good habits for himself and build a positive lifestyle. He believes that everything happens as it should, and if he didn’t turn towards God, his life would be a mess.

Even though he’s surrounded by positivity, everyone has doubts. These can show up as comments in person or on YouTube. Doolin makes it clear that it’s important to always respond with a good heart and not to judge someone because of their beliefs. He loves it when he gets brighter comments or people sharing their own experiences as it creates a connection. Recently, Doolin has experienced the loss of a close family friend. Many might wonder why someone devoted to his faith has to go through this. Doolin said, “God has a timing for everybody, and towards the end of my friend’s life, I was able to pray over him and he was able to believe this isn’t the end of his story.” Never give up sharing the faith with someone as it might heal them. Doolin said, “I praise God because I know my friend is healed at last and is spending eternity with the Father in Heaven.”
In the future, Doolin plans to own a church within his community. As of right now, he hopes the name can be The Church of Christ Jesus. He has plans for members of the church and how to encourage people to come in. It’s inspiring to see someone following their dreams no matter how stressful it might get. “Always remember to lighten the room because you never know when someone needs it,” said Doolin. One should spread positivity because it helps themself and everyone around them. It’s important to find that passion and give it 110% effort.