People have talked about Seasonal Depression, and while that in itself is a major issue, mental health and school in general do not work well together. High school is a battle, and it takes more than just knowing how to memorize and time manage. According to NBC, 36 percent said that stress makes them tired, with 30 percent reported feeling sad or depressed because of said stress. Mental health has also always been a very touchy subject, with people not believing one, and just in general it’s tough for some to cope with it.
“For so long people went without talking about it and we have finally reached a point in society where we can talk about it, but I think it is fading again when we need to continue talking about it,” Grace Hinrichs, sophomore, said. Some kids may not have anyone to talk to, and with school adding on it can sometimes get to much, however many high schoolers do not have proper access to professional psychologists. “I’m not saying I do have anxiety or depression, but when I am feeling anxious or sad one day, and then I have to go to school, it is really hard to focus and in general it just makes it worse,” Hinrichs said. Taking mental health days, according to Hinrichs is something that should be allowed but not abused.
Blake Drahos, a 17 year old junior, is new this year from Cedar Valley Christian High School, and agrees on school not helping with mental help. “It depends on what is going on in my personal life but sometimes but when it isn’t going good and then it’s like oh I have to take this test, I need to get good grades, it’s a lot” Drahos said. Drahos, a transgender female, personally, on top of regular stress also has to deal with issues from her peers. “I feel objectified a lot, and not taken seriously, people will laugh at me, some even called me it, but what can you expect,” Drahos said. Drahos gets through those comments by absorbing herself in makeup and fashion, two of her favorite passions. She also has a great amount of self confidence to help her through it. “I don’t care what they say about me, I am used to it, it prepares me for the real world with the criticism,” Drahos said.
High school is a melting pot of different races, cultures, sexualities, religions, and so much more. Every person has something different happening, and every person copes with stress and mental health differently. Mental health needs to continue to be talked about and stress needs to be better managed before someone has their 100th mental breakdown of the week.