Lexi Morgan @Lexi_Morgan17 [Social Media Editor]
In high school, there are some highs and a lot of lows that teens will face. Some will say high school was the best four years of their life, and others will say the exact opposite. While people often leave high school not knowing who they are, they realize how it shaped them.
We learn a lot in high school aside from quadratic equations and the process of photosynthesis. Teens find out the people that are really there for them in the hardest times, and how to be comfortable being themselves. As freshmen, we enter high high school scared and not knowing at all what it is actually like. People see stereotypes and exaggerations of high school on tv and expect to be shoved in lockers and picked on by seniors. During the most impressionable year of the four, teens try to fit in with the wrong crowds, listen to peer pressure, and explore the different aspects of growing up. We are introduced to so many new things that come with high school, it’s almost scary how fast it goes by without us realizing it.
In the blink of an eye, we are entering our senior year trying desperately to figure what we want to do in life before we’re face to face with college. People mature so much by the time they graduate, they’re completely different people then when they started. It’s truly impossible to describe the feeling one has entering their last year of this journey. We start to look back on all the heartbreak, friends we lost, and the struggles in certain classes. Teens think about the friends they have gained and all the amazing memories they made. And when we think we have life all figured out, something else comes out of nowhere and knocks us down. But then there are family and friends to pick us back up every time.
Everyone should receive this advice no matter if they’re just walking through the front doors of MHS or they’re about to leave. The most important thing to know in high school, no matter how cliche it sounds, is everyone should be themselves. It’s unimaginable how exhausting it must be to pretend to be someone they’re not. To be honest, nobody even cares what anyone does. Drama in high school lasts for maybe three days max. And who even cares what people who don’t know anything about them think? Everyone is going to talk in high school no matter what someone does, so they should honestly do whatever makes them happy. Why go through four years of life miserable to please other people? Its not worth it one bit. Everyone needs to find friends who they are comfortable around and accept them for who they are. This will never be stressed enough by teachers or parents it’s just something we have to learn on our own.
High school can be the best four years of someone’s life or the worst. It’s really up to them. Life is what they make it. Go to football games with friends and school dances even without a date. Go to bonfires and parties. Eat a lot of food and play sports and join choir. Do whatever possible to experience high school to the fullest and it will without a doubt be four years worth remembering.