Baylea Bruce @baylea_marie [Staff Writer]
Almost all students are counting down the hours till it’s finally spring break. Spring break means that warm weather is coming soon and summer is just a quarter away. Some students may be heading off to tropical places, while some might be having a relaxing stay-cation. However, many choir and band students are getting ready to head down to sunny San Antonio, Texas for the trip they take every other year. Liz Fontenot, junior, is one of these student gearing up to go.
Band and choir take a trip to many different places every other year. For some, this is the highlight of their musical careers. “We take a trip every other year to get experience singing in other places,” explained Fontenot. Fontenot has also gone on the trip to Florida her freshman year. Each time the students get to experience singing in new places and sharing their musical talent all over the nation.
With any vacation the commute there is often long and tiring. This year’s group of kids will be spending a lot of time on charter buses getting friendly with one another. “It’s going to be 22 hours approximately” commented Fontenot. Although to most people that much time in a bus sounds more like torture than a vacation Fontenot assures that it’s not as bad as it sounds. “All my friends are on the bus so I’ll probably just talk to them. Sounds boring but it’s not” clarified Fontenot. Randomly bursting out in song and creating new inside jokes might just make the bus ride the highlight of the band and choir kids trip.
Once they arrive in Texas they will be doing a lot more than singing. Even though it’s a school trip, they will still be having fun. “We’re going to Seaworld and Six Flags, it’s called Fiesta Texas. Then we’re going to the Alamo and performing at Tavis park” explained Fontenot. This trip is sure to be packed with good times and bonding over funnel cake and who screams the loudest on the roller coasters.
Choir and band students can not wait for when they get to board the charter buses and get to embark on a memory making adventure. No one can say for sure how many jokes and memories will be made, but one thing for sure. San Antonio, Texas is about to receive buses full of students ready to have some fun and do a little singing with it.