DeLaney Fisher @DeLaney__Fisher [Co Executive Newspaper Editor]
With the new snow comes new sport seasons. Many winter sport teams have started practicing. One of these teams is the girls basketball team. Players began practicing on November 10th, and many of the girls who went out are returning from last year.
This year, however, some girls who went out in years past decided not to return for the 2014-2015 season. Olivia Frazier, junior, is one of these girls. She decided to spend her time elsewhere this season.
It was a hard decision, but Frazier opted to participate in winter drumline this year. “I have played basketball since 5th grade, but I wanted to go out for winter line this year,” Frazier said. She wasn’t the only one who struggled with the decision either. “I think my dad was a little disappointed, but he is my biggest supporter and wants me to do whatever makes me happy,” Frazier commented.
This will be Frazier’s first year on winter drumline, but she plays percussion in concert and marching band. “I’ve never made it on winter line before, and it would interfere with basketball too much, so that’s why I chose to only do drumline,” explained Frazier, “Also, I wanted to have more time after school so I can work on making extra spending money for the band trip to San Antonio, Texas this spring break.”
Frazier is excited about her upcoming season playing with the winter drumline. “I play snare,” Frazier stated. She is one of four snares, out of the sixteen participants in winter line. She is also happy to put forth all of her effort in drumline. “I want to really focus on drumline. I know I will have no regrets about going out for winter line, but I might have if I would have passed on the opportunity,” Frazier clarified.
The snow will continue to fall, and athletes can be found in any gym, but Frazier will be seen practicing on snare for drumline.

Ferg • Nov 18, 2014 at 2:50 pm
Nice article, DeLaney. It explains a situation I have heard people talking about whenever someone doesn’t go out for the activity they always have. So it was nice to give a voice to Olivia, who I happen to think is a wonderful young gal, as well as a gifted athlete and musician. And I have loved drumline since it was first introduced – I always enjoy listening to them at the basketball games.
Also, if you click on the picture it rights itself 🙂