Emma Hartman @Steal_Your_Hart [Staff Writer]
Abortions kill 3,700 babies a day in the United States. That is 1.3 million deaths a year. An abortion is a medical procedure which terminates the life of an unborn child, in any stage of the pregnancy. Abortions used to be a rarity, with a slogan claiming “Safe, Legal, and Rare,” which has now been disbanded because of the amount of abortions taking place is not rare, sometimes safe, and tragically legal. As surprising as it may sound, and in contrary to what many pro-choice activist proclaim, only 1% of abortions performed are cases of rape or incest. That would imply that the main 99% cause of abortions in this country is that the unborn child is unwanted by the mother and/or father. Guttmacher Institute did in depth research to find out the main 3 reasons why women get abortions: 1)”Having a baby would dramatically change my life,” 2)”Can’t afford a baby now” and 3)”Don’t want to be a single mother or having relationship problems.”
Rape and incest pregnancy cases are heartbreaking, but rare. And while it may be more justifiable to have an abortion in that type of situation, it does not make it right. It may not seem “fair”, but how is it fair to fight violence with violence? Putting a baby up for adoption gives that child more of a chance than ending their life. However, some mothers cannot bear the thought of carrying their rapist’s baby to term, and they make their choice. But its also been said, from the baby’s point of view, “When given a choice, they’d want a chance.”
Pro-choice activist make the argument that the mother should have the right to do what she wishes with her own body, but who will stand up for the baby’s rights? After all, the “fetus” is a human being. An American citizen. A life with a beating heart. At no point in pregnancy is the developing embryo or fetus simply a part of the mother’s body.So no matter what someone wants to call the unborn child (zygote, fetus, etc..), it is a person. They are a person 30 weeks into the pregnancy, 15 weeks, 7 weeks, and 7 days. The “fetus” is never going to develop into anything other than what it is; a person. In the words of Dr. Suess’ ‘Horton Hears a Who’, “A person is a person, no matter how small.”
Any pro-choice activist can say what they want, but it does not change the facts.
Why when a pregnant woman is killed, is it called a double homicide? But when a baby is aborted, it is only considered a “fetus” as if it is not a real, living being? Most abortions are done at 6 weeks. Sadly, all bodily systems are in place by 8 weeks.
Many mothers that abort their baby (for any reason) have feelings of guilt, regret, and loss. Sometimes the mother is not able to conceive again after an abortion. Abortion is a serious decision with dire consequences that will both affect the mother and child. So the next time someone refers to abortions as a form birth control and that everyone should have a right to their own choice; remember the rights of the unborn baby forming in the womb, who has endless possibilities with their life, if given the chance.

Brittany Roley • Nov 18, 2014 at 8:45 pm
I agree with the statement by Ferg. I am so proud of you for voicing your views and the view of millions of others. It’s a very controvertial topic and I think you did a good job fighting for the baby amd not against the mom. Perhaps it is something that someone will read that could change their view on the topic. My boyfriend was adopted amd he thanks God he was not aborted! Thank you for sharing the stats!
Ferg • Nov 18, 2014 at 2:38 pm
Emma – A very thought-provoking opinion piece (just what an opinion piece should be)! You bring up many important and reasonable points in your argument, and your opinion is delivered in a very rational, intelligent manner. Well-done. The poster is an effective visual, too.