Skylar Miller-Baker @Skylarmbaker15

[Activities Editor]
Many People believe in government conspiracies. People believe that the government is out to get us, one student more than others. Ciara Ford, junior, is a strong believer that the government released ebola to diminish the population of the world. “The government definite released ebola. First of all, the ebola was under control in the 80’s and the government had it contained, then all of sudden it’s in Africa, thats a little suspicious,” Ford commented with extreme passion. Ford also says that there was no way that ebola could of gotten out, unless someone, someone possibly being government officials, let it out themselves. “How can something that was once contained, just magically appear in Africa? Someone planted it there,” Ford stated.
There are people who say that the population should be no greater than five hundred thousand, that way nature and humans can be in perfect balance. The population currently stands at seven billion, which is way over the limit that was set a long time ago by our ancestors. This concerns the government, overpopulation can cause a lot of problems that the government doesn’t want to deal with. “We have way too many people living in such a tiny space, the government must do something to stop the growth. I mean, you hear stuff about governments doing things in other countries to diminish the population, now they’re not nearly as bad as relating ebola but why wouldn’t they eventually take that step and try it,” Ford established.
People believe that the government has been trying for years to diminish the population, never being able to do it and constantly having it grow. “The government released crack, so that people would get addicted to it and eventually die from it . They released AIDS to kill off some of the population that was sexually active, and they also released syphilis as well. Ebola, though, may be the worst disease that they have allowed into the population,” Ford said, “We need to be careful, the government already has released many diseases. What else could they eventually do.” Ford warned.
Many people believe in many different conspiracies about the government, but Ciara Ford, is definitely more passionate about the subject then than anyone will ever know.