Savannah Guyer @SavannahMGuyer [Feature Editor]
A shrill whistle erupts through the equipment-filled room, the students on the workout machines rushing to increase their pace and hopefully, speed up their heart rate. Thanks to a grant gifted through the Federal Government, Marion now has

some advanced technology to bring a different level of intensity to the everyday gym class. All new heart rate monitors now connect to any available screen, making it easier for teachers and coaches to observe their students’ progress.
Mrs. Lori Dostal is one of these dedicated educators who clearly see the impact of these new donations. “This technology validates what we’re trying to teach them. They get to see what they’re doing and makes them accountable for their participation. It lets them know that they can do what we’re asking them to do,” Dostal commented.
Along with giving kids a reason to improve themselves, it also gives them more reason to take what they learn in class and apply it outside of the gym, “Students will know that they can accomplish and it will push them to further their improvements. They will take what I’m teaching and apply it into their own lives. They can see how hard they’re pushing themselves and gives them a visual of how they’re doing and how much work they have left to do,” Dostal went on to add. Bryce Valvoda, sophomore, can validate this as well, “The heart monitors help me with my cross country running by building endurance and it proves to myself that I can do more than I thought,” Valvoda stated.
Although the newest addition to the school’s gym classes has overall affected the dynamic of the class greatly, there are still some minor dilemmas. “There are still some problems with working the technology, I’ve had to manual watch two students because the equipment wasn’t working. It’s hard when stuff glitches because not only do we depend on it for the student’s benefit, we also grade on how hard they are pushing themselves and that is hard to do with the technology malfunctioning.” Dostal said.
Overall, the grant to Marion has greatly impacted the hard-working students for the better. “Even though some of the students will complain about how much the workout hurts them during it, I am always listening to what they’re saying afterwards. Someone always comments on their way out of my class with a, “That was a good workout”, so it’s not all in vain.” Dostal clarified.
With the new donation making such a great impact on MHS, there is so much for students to learn and look forward to this year in gym class.