By: Savannah Guyer [Activities Editor] @SavannahMGuyer
The annual blood drive has left Marion High school students nervous, excited, and ready to fall off those not-so-comfy beds known specifically to the event of the donation. Isiah Michaca, junior, is one of the many brave students to step into the Gold Gym today without any of these side effects. This is the second time for the donor, and the butterflies are non-existent, “I’m not nervous at all,” Michaca commented.
In the beginning, Michaca saw the blood drive as a way to benefit himself, “I decided to donate blood to get out of class and get snacks,” Michaca stated. Along with the free-pass to ditch class and the mounds of food, one of the procedures is oddly Michaca’s favorite act of the whole ordeal, “I love the finger poke. It’s the easiest part!” Michaca said.
When the second blood drive came up, quicker than he had expected, Michaca realized that he was not only helping himself, but his community, “It feels super good to give back,” he added. Michaca believes that others should be included in the donation as well, “Other people should do the blood drive because they should feel super to give back too,” Michaca said.
What started out as self-indulgent activity turned into a willingness to participate in something that aids many people in the community. The blood drive is a tradition Michaca set for himself, and can’t wait to continue with.