By: Kayla Comried [Co-Excutieve Newspaper Editor] @KComried
Disrespect. A trait that is seemingly more apparent now than it has ever been. With each new generation of kids, new levels of “confidence” are being introduced. Talking back to any authority used to be an unfathomable act. Punishment was bound to occur, and really, not many people had the audacity to do anything of the sort. But today, kids back sassing is really not that big of deal, and it should be.
Being a teenager, it is easy to understand that some things parents do are annoying. For example, when arguing about curfew it is difficult to comprehend why 15 minutes seems like an eternity to parents. Like why in the world is 11:45 that much different than 12:00? In the aspect of life, this is like a spot of dust in an apartment building, and that is what it is. If parents are making it a big deal, and of course they shouldn’t be, then why is the teen also making it a big deal? Parents do what they do for a reason, and, according to them, “You will understand one day.” Now, maybe not all of us will understand one day, and that is okay if the next generation of kids gets to be home 15 minutes later, but that isn’t the point. The point is, don’t argue about stupid things or throw a fit equivalent to a toddler to get what is wanted. It is uncalled for and honestly, it is completely immature.
Another thing that is becoming more and more common is talking back to other authority, such as teachers. Talking back to teachers is an action that many find hard to comprehend. Like how can anyone be so disrespectful and rude that they can’t find another way to handle the situation? Talk to the teacher after class about what they did that was so infuriating, but do not call them out disrespectfully in front of the whole entire class. Anyone that does this instantly ruins their image. They say the discourteous words, and simultaneously, they turn into an impolite, back talking, student.
So, disagreements with parents are bound to occur, and no one can be so perfect that they are always respectful, but trying is good enough. There have been situations in which students have literally screamed at their parents in public for no reason, and just saying, but not only do they look extremely ill-mannered they are also completely embarrassing themselves. Don’t be that student. Everyone is bound to get into arguments, but don’t blow them out of proportion. Handle the matter in a very mature manner, because after all most teens beg to be treated like adults. Many need to realize that to be truly “treated” like an adult they also need to act like adults.