By: Becca Hall [Powwow Editor]
With summer quickly approaching, students become more and more impatient for this school year to come to an end. With a flurry of final projects and tests, some students are stressed, making it seem that the first day of summer couldn’t come any faster. Haley Clifton, Junior, is one of the many students that are waiting impatiently for the final bell of the year, signaling freedom for a whole two months. “I feel stressed out about these last six days of school because of finals, but excited because the end is near.” Haley said with a laugh. For her, summer means the start of a new job, being with friends, hanging out near the pool, and just plain old free-time.
With one final down and two to go, Haley is starting to see the light of summer shining at the end of the long, dim tunnel we call the halls of MHS. With the seniors recently graduated, and only three grades of students in attendance, it is harder for everyone to force themselves out of bed every morning. Haley finds an interesting way to excite herself to go to school, the parking lot. “I miss the seniors a lot, but I like that the parking lot is more open.” That means no stress of half-asleep students trying to find a place to park.
Whatever way students motivate themselves to come to school over these last few days, the idea of just laying in bed until noon (or later) sounds better and better for many high schoolers every day. When asked if she wishes school year was just over already, Haley responded, “Yes! Oh my god, yeah!” The stress of finals week continues to add to Haley’s excitement for school to end for the year and summer to finally begin.