By: Rebecca Hall [Staff Writer]
One Day in May is an organization well known throughout the community for the enormous amount of volunteering done in just one day all over the community. On May 13th Marion High School will have their third year of this awesome organization called One Day in May. Today, all the students here at Marion found out their locations for this upcoming event. Savannah Guyer’s mentor classroom filled with excitement as everyone gathered around the sheet that stated each students location. Savannah smiled as she saw her location. “I am going the Villages and the MHS math garden. We are going to fix the gardens and clean up the woods for elderly people.” Savannah can’t wait until May 13th so she can have a chance to give back to her community.
Many people enjoy One Day in May because they get to be around there friends and peers outside of the school walls, but it is also very enjoyable, but it means a little bit more than that to Savannah. “It is nice to have fun and be able to give back to the community at the same time!” said Savannah with a smile. “Also, I have a lot of friends in my group and I am excited to make new ones.”
Savannah had a lot of fun last year in her One Day in May group, and made lots of memories. “Last year we spent a lot of time outside, so that was nice.” says Savannah fondly. Since last year was so good, she has high expectations for this upcoming May 13th. “I hope this year is just as fun as last year.” Savannah says with excitement. It is a good thing she got a location that she wanted so that Savannah can have all the fun she had last year, plus a bit more.