By: Taylor Millis [Feature Editor]
As we hit mid terms and the school year begins to wind down, students become antsy and focusing on school becomes a challenge for many.
Zoee Norton, junior, is one of the many students that are experiencing this summer fever. “We are almost done and it gets hot,” Zoee says. As the weather warms up and the last day approaches, students seem to only be able to focus on the end of the school day. Concentration on schoolwork flies out the window as teachers begin to open their windows to cool the classrooms.
Part of the cause of this summer fever might have something to do with the ending of third quarter. Zoee says, “Third quarter is the hardest to get through because there is no end in sight. You feel like you‘ve gone so far through the year and you still have another term to get through.” Once students have gotten through the longest term of the year, summer is within sight and just barely out of reach.
Another reason this summer fever might be spreading is because school seems to get old and boring. “Obviously I’m bored because there is nothing to do,” says Zoee! The big sports at the high school seem to fade away and kids get bored.
With summer just a few weeks away students seem to be more worried about what they do when school gets out rather than school itself. “I want to get out of here,” Zoee says with a laugh. A feeling that appears to be mutual among most students.