By: Jordan Hansen [Activities Editor]
The Drake Relays are a prestigious track and field event that is held every year. Almost every year, Marion sends several athletes to the relay and this year is no exception.
Quinn Cannoy, junior, is running in the relays this year. “It’s a good feeling knowing that you achieved a goal of running at a prestigious event.”
He is running the 100m High Hurdles and also will be in the Shuttle Hurdle Relay on Friday and Saturday. As excited as he is for Drake, state track is still just around the corner. “State is a bigger deal because you’re going for a team championship. Drake however is more prestigious but I think state is still more important.”
One of the biggest events of the year starts today and Quinn is ready and focused. “You run it like a normal race. Don’t get caught up in the surroundings. Treat it like a normal meet.”
These relays promise to be a great time for the Marion athletes talented enough to qualify for this great event.