Twice a year, Win with Wellness put on a blood drive. This event is a historical event in the history of Marion as they have done it for years. Mrs. Dostal heads the club and makes sure that both drives go off without a hitch. The drive is a great thing that high school students can do!
Sydney Pitstick and Derek Smith, both sophomores, are in Win With Wellness. “Mrs. Dostal asked us to be in [Win with Wellness], so we joined,” said Sydney. “Donating blood helps cancer patients.” Being in the club is a sure way to feel good, knowing that you have done some good in the world.
But Win with Wellness isn’t all fun and games. “You have to work at the blood drive; you can either do check-ins, refreshments or reminders,” said Sydney. Win with Wellness also put on the health fair that runs every two years and used to put on the luau.
Donating blood can be scary if you have never done it before. “You need to make sure to eat ahead of time,” said Derek. “You also need to get a lot of sugar!” said Sydney. With both being veterans to this, they know what to do.
The next blood drive is next Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Doing a good deed is as simple as donating blood. Stop by and see Derek and Sydney during lunch to sign up for this wonderful, helpful event!