By: Storm Bogs [Web Editor]
During ITEDs week, the majority of seniors don’t have to be at school until 10:15 or later, depending on if they have open blocks. It’s safe to say that all seniors look forward to these three days of being able to sleep in and not have to be at school taking those dreadful tests.
Sleeping in is great, and those two hours of freedom give students the opportunity to do their homework from the day before, or just relax for a little bit before class. The one downfall of ITEDs week for seniors though, is parking. By the time the seniors get here, practically the whole parking lot is full, and they have to park in the way back. Although walking to the doors from the back of the parking lot takes under five minutes, it is still inconvenient and annoying. It would be nice to be able to have good parking spots available. However, it’s a fair trade. Students would rather have terrible parking spots when they come in the middle of the day than to come at 8:20am to take ITEDs.
While the parking situation will probably always stay the same, it’s not the end of the world. The parking lot isn’t huge, and even if a student gets stuck with a spot at the very back corner of the lot, it won’t take very long to walk to the school doors.