By: Kayla Comried [Staff Writer]
She gets ready as the instructor keeps the beat. She realizes that it is her time and gets ready and quickly swipes her finger over half of the chimes. She looks at others around her to reassure that she did the right thing. They give her a look that says she did well, and then she patiently awaits her next part.
Kali Gamerdinger, sophomore, really enjoys being a member of the band. She enjoys the concerts and thinks they did a really good at the Monday concert. “[The concert] went really well because we played together and had good tempo and dynamics.” Kali thinks that the band does an extraordinary job at each performance, but she also enjoys getting to spend time with her friends.
Being the social girl that she is, Kali really likes making and hanging out with friends in band. “We’re all really great friends in band and band is different from a regular class where you sit and write papers and do work.” With all these great things that band offers it is not hard to see why Kali likes it so much. She also thinks it gives her opportunities that nothing else can.
Band has helped Kali to make many friends, but it has a bigger purpose. “[Band is about] making great music,” said Kali. Since making music is one of Kali’s favorite things to do, band is definitely the place for her.
She finishes the song and knows that she did a good job at her part. She also knows she is a big contributor to her little band family!