By: Taylor Lamm [Opinion Editor]
Just like everyone says, the years really do go by fast. For some teens it’s exactly what they want. Then the ones that get forgotten during this point are dealing with separation: the parents.
Some parents break down in sobs just at the thought of their child’s graduation. Have teenagers really taken the time to understand what their parents are going through? Most teens would say no to that question. At this point in a teenagers life, most could care less about how their parents feel. All a teen wants is college now.
College for a lot of teens means getting away from the parents at home. For once they get to experience being absolutely independent. They can finally be free. Then there is how parents view leaving for college. It’s the moment they see their, what once was, baby walk across the large brightly lit stage, when it hits them that their “baby” is all grown up.
For some parents it’s upsetting to know that their child won’t be needing them as much. Teens shouldn’t get embarrassed or frustrated when they see a parent get upset. It’s all because of the love they have towards their child that makes it so hard for them.
This is a part of a teenagers life where they finally get to start walking the path of life with out someone holding their hand. This doesn’t mean teens will never need their parents again. Just now the ones who held their hand will be right behind them instead. Watching every step and turn they make. It’s the beginning of a journey, not just for the graduates, but also for the ones who get forgotten. The parents.