By: Taylor Lamm [Opinion Editor]
It’s that time of year where everyone gets out in the freezing cold to put up the traditional Christmas lights. The twinkling lights have been a symbol for years now that the holiday season is approaching. There are now amazing light shows that can be found all over the Internet.
These light shows are made to be set up to all different types of music. The lights beam to the beat of the music creating an amazing performance.
Some people might think that this isn’t necessary and is just a form of getting attention. This might be true, but why does that matter? The people who design the shows are willing to spend hundreds of dollars just to hopefully bring a smile to people’s faces. This is just a form of giving. They are giving the joy of the holiday season.
This might not be the tradition everyone is used to, but maybe this is the beginning of a new one. No matter what Christmas lights will always be a symbol that the holiday season is approaching.
The video below is to a Youtube video with a display of Christmas lights blinking to the tune of music.