By: Haley Shaffer [Social Media Editor]
As the craziness from Black Friday dies down, Cyber Monday begins. People go online to their favorite stores and hunt for the best deals. They search all day long for low prices on great things. But isn’t it a little ridiculous that people basically camp out on Friday and then just three short days later, they’re at it again? Even though it’s important for parents to be able to buy their kids Christmas presents without going broke, Christmas isn’t about just presents. Maybe Black Friday and Cyber Monday is the reason that Christmas is losing its real meaning. People stress and worry that they won’t get the presents they want or that they won’t receive the presents they want. But is that really something to lose sleep over? Is it really worth it to stay up until the wee hours of the morning just to get ten bucks off a shirt? Maybe for some people who need to save as much money as possible. It’s also understandable that some people do it for the thrill of the hunt and just another excuse to shop. But people should make sure that they don’t lose sight of what’s really important while they do their Christmas shipping. Remember who you’re shopping for and why they are important. Remember what the holidays are really about: being thankful for what you already have and the people you already have in your presence. After all, being surrounded by people who love you, and who you love is the greatest present of all.