By: Gage Miskimen [Staff Writer]
The winter sports season has started. Basketball players are having a great time shooting hoops and dribbling up and down the court while their stomachs are happily satisfied with food. Then there are the wrestlers. The starving, skinny, grumpy wrestlers.
Cutting weight for wrestling sucks. Whether it’s only a few pounds or completely changing your diet and lifestyle, cutting weight completely sucks. The worst part of it is that you have to cut throughout Thanksgiving break. It puts a lot of pressure on wrestlers because their first meets are usually right after Turkey Day.
And another thing, wrestlers get grumpy fast. So don’t get mad or upset if a wrestler gets mad and snaps on you for any reason whatsoever.
On top of all that, wrestling is a very difficult sport. It’s as much mental as it is physical. But being grumpy, sore, tired, and hungry is part of the challenge that most wrestlers crave. There’s just something about it that makes wrestlers love the sport and makes them keep wrestling.