By: Uriah Lekin [Staff Writer]
November 6th won’t only have the election going on, it will also have the release of the biggest video game this year, Halo 4.
While some people over 18 will be casting their ballots at the voting booths and watching the television to see what candidate gets what states they will most likely be unaware of the others that are also over 18 waiting in line to get a video game at the local video game store down the street. Why is getting a video game more important than casting a ballot?
Having priorities is a huge part of life and not having them can put peoples lives down the wrong track. Some would say casting a ballot is a waste of time. It actually isn’t a waste of time because many presidents try to do the best they can and voting for the right one can actually make someone’s life much, much easier than what it already is.
Cast a ballot this season and watch the fireworks on television or just sit in a cold line and wait to get the game which the store could run out of, but set your priorities straight.