By: Taylor Millis [Feature Editor]
It’s finally here! Homecoming week, the week where freshmen are excited to go to their first high school dance and everyone makes final plans for the weekend. Homecoming week isn’t all about the dance though. There is still the football game, pep rally, parade and the entire week is filled with themed days for students to dress up in crazy outfits to show school spirit.
In past years the spirit weekdays have been pretty much the same, pajama day, tie- dye day, neon and of course red and gold day. But this year the MHS cheerleaders have shown their creativity and thought outside of the box. There is lazy day, superhero day, retro day, and animal/jungle day. All of these themed days are fun and rarely seen at MHS. Students have grown tired of doing the same themes year after year. Changing it up will increase participation and make students want to show their school pride.
Homecoming week is a week filled with traditions. But tradition can get monotonous and boring. Give kudos to the MHS cheerleaders for putting their heads together, and thinking of one way to liven up tradition and give it variety.