By: Kiersten Kiene [Staff Writer]
Every four years there is a presidential election. This marks the beginning of the political talks, or rather arguments. Every person has a different opinion of all of the political issues that are talked about for the political season, such as abortions, the economy, and war.
Each and every person is entitled to have an opinion, that’s just how it is. And every person is entitled to sharing his or her opinion. That’s why they are called discussions, because you discuss your opinion with another person who has a different opinion. The very first amendment in the Bill of Rights talks about having freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is truly that, freedom of speech.
Just because somebody doesn’t have the exact same opinion as you doesn’t mean they are any less of a person and cannot share their opinion; not just in politics, but in other things too. Whether it’s talking about things such as divorce, boyfriends, or what you want to wear the next day, people are entitled to having their own opinion.
So next time that you think your opinion is the only things that matters, stop and think about what you say to people, and make sure that the person has a chance to get in what they say. And if you really, really think that you are so incredibly right and cannot stand to hear other people talk about what the person thinks, stop talking and walk away, because sharing what you think is a right.