By: Taylor Millis [Feature Editor]
Even as summer comes to an end, the Iowa weather still seems to be hitting us with heat waves hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. Everyone seems to be
complaining of the heat but students and teachers are heard especially.
In the past couple of days Iowa has experienced temperatures in the mid to upper 80’s, a normal occurrence for an August in Iowa. As high school teachers and students pile into their classrooms the chatter and complaints about how hot and humid the school has become begin. Overhearing the conversations about the heat, rumors of the
possibility of getting out of school arise. But some think that it isn’t even a possibility for the MISD school district to get let out of class early because of heat.
Many of the schools don’t have air conditioning and are left to sweat in the humid heat or sit in front of a fan and still sweat. Students are forced to attempt to learn and
focus in the sticky, humid weather. This seems to be a hard task for many and it isn’t always beneficial for students. Though getting out early may not be helping anything
either. Is it really beneficial to not have students in school at all? The weather may be hot and humid and sometimes unbearable but going to school is more beneficial than not at all.
Though getting out of school early would be great and gives us a break from learning and thinking all day, what is it going to do for us in the long run? Suffering
through the heat seems to be a better option for students’ learning when the heat is bearable. Hopefully the temperatures will begin to cool down by next week and the constant sticky, sweaty feeling we all have will go away.