By: Taylor Lamm [Opinion Editor]
As he finishes his workout there is only one thing that is going through his head: the first game. The team has spent months of preparation for this one game. It’s the game that starts off the season, and shows what the team is made of.
Tristan Beghtol, senior, will be playing left guard and defensive tackle at tonight’s game against Mount Pleasant. Tristan has been playing these positions for three years now. This will be his last first game of his high school career. One of Tristan’s expectations for the season is, “to be a lot better then last year and make it a memorable senior year.” He is pretty sure that these goals will come true this year.
One of Tristan’s favorite memories that he will miss the most is how they’ve all came together as a family. One of the biggest parts about football is all about being a team and coming together as one. Tristan’s favorite part about football is,”the Friday nights, under the lights.” Not only is this a football players favorite part but it is also a lot of spectators of the sports favorite part.
“I expect for us to go out and play how we’ve been in practice and kick butt,” Tristan states. All the practice has been leading up to this game. It is the kickoff to our schools football season of 2012. Tristan wants this year to be one of the best years he has ever played, and also for the other seniors that are on the varsity team. He thinks tonight will be a big kickoff to his senior year.
As always he will be focusing on the big game tonight all day. He hopes tonight will be a game to remember, not just for him but for the whole team.