By: Taylor Lamm [Staff Writer]
As March roles around, the Iowa Assessment come back into schools. This week we are taking the Iowa Assessment test. This has brought a lot of stress to some kids. The Iowa Assessment can also bring issues for some people with their schedules for the next year.
The Iowa Assessment is a test that tells the school any classes that a student might need extra help in. This might bring up the issue that students don’t always do the best during tests but don’t have the problems that the test shows they might possibly have. If someone does bad on the reading portion of the test they might have to take an extra class the next year called reading lab. Their test scores could also say what classes can be taken the next year and what classes can’t.
Taking these tests also mess up the school schedule. If students are taking college classes, this can really put a glitch in their day. They would have to miss their class to do these tests which can put them behind. This can also happen if kids have open block during their first block. They would have to remember to come in to take the tests, and than have their open block.
Iowa Assessments might be good, but the school should find a different way to do them. Taking them the way we are now can and is causing problems with some of the students. They should also base it off how the kids are when they are taking tests and how they really are in that subject.