The Student News Site of Marion High School

The Vox Online

The Student News Site of Marion High School

The Vox Online

The Student News Site of Marion High School

The Vox Online

Senior interviews
Senior interviews
May 29, 2024
May 29, 2024

Making money at the movies

By: Caitie Staff [Staff Writer]

For nearly one hundred years now, the weekend has had a special meaning for teenagers. In the beginning of the 1900s, it meant seeing Mickey Mouse and Buster Keaton in black and white. In the 21st century, it means watching Zac Efron or Kristen Stewart on the big screen in 3D. Weekend fun is bought for the price of tickets. For one student, though, these tickets equal a paycheck.

Isaac Frazier, junior, spends his weekends working at the Wehrenberg Galaxy 16. He usually cleans up after movies, picking up empty popcorn bowls and sweeping. The easier side of his job is collecting tickets when there are long lines for a new movie.

Isaac has stayed with his job for about six months, a millennium to restless teen guys, and an indication that he likes his work. “We get a free movie once a week and employee discounts on snacks,” he explained. The arrangement works well for him because he loves the popcorn.

Isaac hasn’t seen too many movies lately; the last one was “The Vow”. But the movie selection this month has improved greatly and he’s excited for at least one movie. “Project X. It’s gonna be good!” He briefly described the plot of a teen party that goes all wrong.

Every once in a while, Isaac sees his friend Bryan at the movies, but most people don’t come very often. “I think it’s kind of expensive,” he admitted. Teenagers don’t have the funds to spend $10.50 for a 3D ticket, or even $7.50 for normal showings. Twelve years ago, ticket prices were as low as $4.69, which is cheaper than a child’s ticket

Despite the high cost of food and tickets, Isaac enjoys working at the Galaxy, and he plans to continue working there throughout the entire summer. Prices, actors, and special effects have changed over the last century, but the thrill of sitting before the big screen hasn’t changed, and teenagers will continue to have fun at the cinema for years to come.

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  • M

    Michelle StaffMar 10, 2012 at 9:13 pm

    My apology to you for the confusing message, Ross.I should not have used ‘Just saying” when I meant “Just asking” or “Just something to consider”.You’re confusion is understandable.Thanks for your last comment.
    If you will bear with me, this seems to me to be a good time to hear a definitive answer as to whether or not I was required to cite James as the author of the quote in my letter.It is not a research paper nor an article .
    It is self-reporting statement,making it a true statement, and needing no back-up to be true.(if that matters in journalism?)
    Any comments, anyone? Thanks.

  • R

    Ross Kenneth BrunnerMar 9, 2012 at 8:33 pm

    I will say that you had a good argument Sam, and I appreciate you being good hearted about it. Mrs. Eicher, my intent was not to judge, but instead to make an observation about the writing I have seen. This was not the way to express my view, and for that, I apologize. I won’t take Journalism. Not because of my view of the Vox or this site, but instead because it is much too time consuming for my schedule (I have just requested 20 classes).

    And finally Michelle. After reviewing your post a few more times, I became unsure of the intent behind it. The “Just sayin” comment at the end was what confused me. I took that as a challenge and attacked your argument. If your intent was not to attack me with that final comment, I apologize.

    Please, continue to learn and become better journalists. Remember that EVERYTHING you publish, people will read. So be conscientious before you submit an article.

  • S

    Sam WilliamsMar 9, 2012 at 10:11 am

    Journalism gives you credits like any other class, plus you have a lot of leadership opportunities. It’s much more beneficial than other electives. 🙂

  • R

    Ross Kenneth BrunnerMar 9, 2012 at 9:32 am

    After reviewing, Mrs. Eicher, I’m not sure what you meant about the “Those who throw stones” comment. They live in glass houses?

    • A

      adminMar 9, 2012 at 9:49 am

      Ross, I said that because it makes me upset when people are so quick to judge. No one is perfect, and we will all fail at certain times in our lives. The character a person shows is much more valuable than any writing or editing skills, and as a teacher I always feel like that, above all else, is the lesson we should all take to heart.

  • R

    Ross Kenneth BrunnerMar 9, 2012 at 9:26 am

    Michelle: The compliment was a compliment. Take it or don’t; it is indeed a well written article. I will say that I admire your quotation, but again I criticize that although the poetic value was high, your credibility suffered because you didn’t recognize it as a Bible verse, or for that matter, where it was from.

    Sam: I recognize that Journalism is a class, and I recognize that you are indeed learning. Would I go into a pre-calc class and say, “Wow, I’m glad someone can do math.”? Probably. But I would then follow up, helping my fellow students in their endeavors learning the math concepts.

    The Vox and the Dailypowwow mean a lot to me. Students need a voice in our school. One that is taken seriously. Which again, brings me to my point about how painful it is to read some of their articles. I have seriously considered joining. Is it worth a quarter of my high school credits? No. So why would I? By the way, your sarcasm humors me. Which I assume was its goal.

  • S

    Sam WilliamsMar 9, 2012 at 12:29 am


    The journalism staff is a close group where we help and support each other. Like any other class, we’re learning. Journalism is neither a creative writing class nor a composition course. Our staff is composed of various people: writers, graphic designers, photographers and those wanting to learn these skills. However, regardless of one’s talents, everyone is subjected to all these tasks. Insulting the skills that we’re in the process of learning is blatant hate and not at all admirable. Would you walk into a pre-calc class and berate someone struggling with logarithms?

    There’s a misconception that the journalism staff is supposed to be flawless, and we’re constantly criticized for being poor writers and making mistakes. I want you to do something next time you are assigned an essay: glance at the returned, graded papers that your classmates receive, and notice how many errors they make. Everyone makes mistakes, and proof reading and editing are skills we’re working on building. There are freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors on the staff, so expecting perfection is unrealistic.

    Lastly, I want you to consider what the Vox and the Dailypowwow mean to you. If they’re just an outlet for you to put down other people, why bother? But if you’re going to hide under the veil that you’re criticizing us harshly to make us improve, ask yourself why you haven’t yet joined journalism. Apparently you joining will double the amount of people on our staff able to write well, which would surely help our work reach your standards.


  • M

    Michelle StaffMar 7, 2012 at 4:45 pm

    Dear “Me”,
    This didn’t quite set right with me, so I went to a favorite book of mine for advice. My question is this: Should a compliment accompanied by an insult be entertained?

    The book’s answer was this: Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing…this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt flow from the same spring?

    Just sayin’

  • R

    Ross Kenneth BrunnerMar 7, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    OR, at least speak a little quieter when talking about someone.

  • R

    Ross Kenneth BrunnerMar 7, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    I’m sorry that was cowardly of me. I’m not sure what I was afraid of, offending someone? No, never. I’m sure hearing my name as I walked by the Journalism room was just a coincidence. Please, confront me if you have an issue with my viewpoint.

  • M

    Me.Mar 6, 2012 at 6:00 pm

    Well written. Seriously, it’s nice to see that someone on the Journalism staff can actually write.

    • A

      adminMar 6, 2012 at 6:56 pm

      I agree, a very well written article. You’re very quick to judge others, though. You know what they say about those who throw stones…

      Mrs. Eicher
