By: Hannah Miller [Co-yearbook editor]
Even though the cellphone rules are being lifted more and more, students should be allowed to use their cellphones in class. If they aren’t interfering with class, there shouldn’t be a problem. Cellphones still shouldn’t be used when tests are being taken because that could lead to cheating, but if it is just work time, students should be allowed to use them. Work time in class should be at the leisurely pace of the student and sometimes texting someone can help students work.
Students using their phone in class can be seen as a distraction from school work by some teachers, but if students are doing it during work time and not when the teacher is trying to teach them something it shouldn’t be a problem. Some students now use their phones in class and still do fine in the class. It should be up to the students because it is just hurting their grade if it would affect them. If they aren’t distracting others around them, it shouldn’t be a problem. Students aren’t disturbing others around them or themselves if it is just work time. All in all, students should be able to use their phones during the school period because it isn’t really harming anyone but themselves.
The new rules on cellphones is letting students use their phones more and make decisions for themselves, which is how it should be. Students should be allowed to make the decision for themselves if they want to use their phone or not. This new rule on cellphones is a good thing and hopefully students don’t take advantage of the new privilege.

Jordan • Jan 29, 2012 at 11:28 am
Our school has always cited the, “were setting you up for the future” direction as their reasoning as to why we can’t have cell phones in the classroom.
What really annoys me is the fact that in college, there aren’t rules like that, at least from the college-age kids I’ve talked too. Yes they are a distraction, but they are a distraction to the student themselves, not the class (Unless they go off and make noises in classrooms, which is unacceptable). So really, I believe that the school should relax the restrictions, because who’s really impairing there own learning in the end? It’s us, not the teachers.