The Student News Site of Marion High School

The Vox Online

The Student News Site of Marion High School

The Vox Online

The Student News Site of Marion High School

The Vox Online

Senior interviews
Senior interviews
May 29, 2024
May 29, 2024

Jazz band blues

By: Kylie McAllister [Co-executive yearbook editor] @smileeyyykylie

She wakes up before the sun three times every week, arriving at school early to practice with the jazz band. These mornings can be rough because she often stays up late to do homework and study, but she stays dedicated to the jazz band and shows up to the early morning practices.

Erin Thomason, sophomore, is apart of the MHS jazz band. Tonight is the jazz band’s last performance for the year and she is feeling bittersweet about it. “I’m excited for next year but not too sad about this year getting over because not having to wake up early will be nice,” Thomason said. The performance tonight is taking place in Iowa City and has a different kick than some of their other performances. “Different schools in the corridor get an adult to perform with them for one song. They then record it and all of the schools put their song onto one cd. Tonight’s the concert of all of these songs,” Thomason explained. Thomason likes that she and the rest of the jazz band get to perform with an adult because they get to make connections with other people in the community that have the same interests as them.

Tonight she will walk onto the stage to perform for the last time this year. She knows she created memories with all 18 of her fellow jazz band members, and is looking forward to showing off all of their hard work tonight.

Erin Tho
Erin Thomason, sophomore
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