By: Claire Nash, Staff Writer
No one is perfect, everyone has their flaws. A lot of people put each other down to make themselves feel better about themself. It happens everyday, at school, parties, and about anywhere else in the world. Not everyone has the drop dead gorgeous looks, or the pro athlete abilities, or even the Einstein smarts. So stop worrying about everyone else’s flaws and work on your own one. If people didn’t have flaws the world would be boring.
There’s always that one person who has the great body, their good at athletics, and even has a GPA of a 4.0. Yeah, they seem to have the perfect life right? Well maybe they have a learning disability such as ADD. Or maybe they don’t have the perfect family. Or perhaps they are depressed and have a drug or alcohol addiction. The point is no matter what they look like or what they are good at, everyone has their own depressing problems.
A lot of girls and even some guys have huge self image issues. They worry about their hair, clothes, accessories, makeup, size, and even the clique that they belong to. Why does everyone worry so much about their imperfections? Well, its because people want to impress each other! There’s nothing wrong with having imperfections, it gives people something to work on and its nice to be able to reach the goals you make.
If people are not pleased with their body, athletic abilities, or whatever else, then get up and do something about it! You are the only person that can change those things. Always remember even if people are making fun of you, they have their flaws to.