By: Danielle Tiernan [Vox Editor]
Recently, Apple revealed their new products, including a new iPod touch and iPod nano. The new touch is just like the new iPhone 4. It has two video cameras on it, one on the front and the other on the back, which can be used to video chat with other people who have the same iPod or iPhone. The new Nano is all touch, and it’s a lot smaller than the original.
The new technology brings up the question: how far is too far for technology? Honestly, there’s really no need for video cameras on iPods. That’s why a person has a phone or a camera. Yes, it’s a nice feature, but remember when iPods just played music? What happened to those days? It’s nice to be able to video chat on the IPod, but someone can only do it if the other person has the same iPod, or iPhone and they also have to have Wi-Fi. I think Apple is taking it a little too far with the whole video cameras on the new iPod touch. iPods should just be to listen to music, and/ or to play games. Technology is becoming too advanced and it’s getting a little bit ridiculous!