By: Storm Bogs, Staff Writer
It’s been getting nicer outside which means its time for spring sports. Those sports include tennis, golf, soccer and track. It almost means early training for fall sports. Not many people attend these sports. Mainly just friends and family of the athletes. If anything, just come out to enjoy the nice weather! Tennis for sure, and most likely soccer is free to get into so there isn’t really a reason not to go. People need to get out to these events and support your school. With the new season of these sports, the teams can have a fresh start. New opportunities to make it to state, and to make the most of each game. There are also new people on these teams which will be great as well. The spring season for sports is about half way over. There aren’t any more home tennis meets but there is still golf, soccer, and track. Since we have both boys and girls teams for these sports so there are plenty of opportunities to watch an event. There is a girls soccer game tonight at home, that will be a perfect start to get out there and support your teams!