Cecilia Pitstick @ceci_pitstick [Staff Writer]
Most people at Marion High School have been to at least one basketball game during their high school career. More than half of those students went to a boys basketball game instead of a girls basketball game. There are way more students at all of the boys games. The student section at the boys games is almost more than double the size of the student section at the girls games. There isn’t a specific reason for more people coming to boys games, but it is unfair to the girls.
The girls are working their butts off trying to do the best they can, and win as many games as possible. The boys are too, but they get way more recognition for it. There should be more people supporting the girls. The boys receive enough support, now lets share some love with the girls too. The girls are working just as hard as the boys with half the support.
The cheers from the crowd definitely help the boys win. The more someone cheers the more excited they get. The cheers get the boys pumped up for the games. The girls don’t get that kind of support, which is crazy. The girls still do amazing, despite their lack of cheers. The girls need more support from their classmates. Everyone should start going to cheer on the girls!