By: Amery Bruce @AmeryBruce [Staff Writer]
Recently there has been a lot of questioning on airplane safety. With a plane crashing just last Saturday, with at least 45 injured, worry has gone up. Questioning on airplane safety is reasonable, because they are dangerous, but not all bad things can be prevented. Accidents happen all the time, and though devastating, there isn’t always someone to blame. Planes have been taking just as much time to safely check every part to insure that the passengers are as safe as possible.
The recent plane crash even has frequent flyers timid to take to the air. It’s okay to be uneasy, but people shouldn’t decide to never fly again. That’s like refusing to drive because someone heard about a car crash on the interstate. People wouldn’t stop driving altogether, just because of a news report, so they shouldn’t do it for a plane. In fact, there are more car crashes each year then there are plane crashes.
It’s okay to be careful while flying, but people shouldn’t let it get to their heads. Flying now is just as safe as it has always been, and technology has made flying an even better way to travel. Accidents happen, but people shouldn’t let it ruin their lives. For years flying has been a quick way to travel for business or pleasure. Be safe, but don’t be any more afraid to take to the sky.