By: Taylor Lamm [Opinion Editor]
Today society pushes everyone, especially females, to fit their version of the “perfect” image. This is shown in magazines, on tv’s, and even the models that are used in stores. Growing up with all the pressure can get to a person.
Society has put a number on everything, even by calling a size 6 plus size. The models that companies will use to advertise their clothing are always a size that is not commonly seen in the real world. This has caused girls starting at a younger and younger age to want to be “perfect.” This can cause girls to go to drastic lengths just to get to this “perfect” size.
This all has caused guys and girls to judge other girls. People are starting to criticize how much a girl eats and will constantly be judging. Even when a person could be joking when calling someone fat, it can stick with them forever.
Next time when looking at a person try not to judge them about the outside, people should be judged just by the inner beauty.