By: Kaitlyn Nathem [Yearbook Editor]
Everyone knows that receiving a million dollars would make someones day amazing. However, do the big things really matter when it comes down to someones happiness? Sometimes people have a tendency to forget about the little people and the little things in life that truly matter. Looking back on happiness, it always comes down to the small but important things.
A nice “Hello” in the hall, a call from a grandparent that someone hasn’t spoken to in months, a five dollar bill found on the ground, they can all make someones day go from bad to great. All someone needs is a little pick me up to make their good day better or their bad day an okay one.
It’s easy to think that a small gesture doesn’t matter, but the great part about life is that it does. Take the time out of the day to help someone out. The actions will be reciprocated in one form or another. Karma has a funny way of coming back, so make it good.
Doing nice things is just that- nice. Everyone loves to be appreciated, so just doing something small could possibly be the best thing for them that day. So just remember, it really is the little things that can have the biggest impact.