By: Jordan Hansen [Activities Editor]
The Iowa Tests of Educational Development, better known as ITED’s may quite possibly be one of the most hated parts of the year. Long hours of testing for 3 straight days with very few breaks in between make it a miserable experience at best. Furthermore, the test is for the state to see how it’s students are doing, making it seem pointless to many students. While actually far from being pointless, having the motivation to do well on them is a struggle for many students. However, students only have to take them through junior year- seniors don’t have to report until 10:15 on those days.
Chayse Wheeler, senior, is very excited to not have to take these tests this year. “It’s a sigh of relief knowing that you get to sleep in,” he stated. Extra sleep is something many students crave, but few actually get unless they happen to have 1st block open.
Chayse, like many students, is going to take advantage of every second he doesn’t have to be in class. “Sleeping in will be nice, but I also will probably do all the homework I put off from the night before.” With many students busy schedules, the bit of extra time to finish assignments may very well come in handy.
While the majority of the high school is struggling out of bed to get ready for school, the senior class will be still laying in bed catching up on a bit of sleep.
While the majority of the high school is struggling out of bed to get ready for school, the senior class will be still laying in bed catching up on a bit of sleep.