By: Breiana Brown [Vox Editor]
Being a teenager can really suck. There is no other word to better, more appropriately describe this span of a persons life. From dances, to fitting in, to college applications and more.
There are good and bad things that come with being between the ages of 14 through 18. The bad: juggling responsibilities. Jobs, grades, assignments, sports, clubs, activities, and household expectations. Another thing is relationships, whether they’re with friends, classmates, parents, family, teachers, or a significant other, they’re all stressful. But by far, the worst thing would have to be homework. Teachers seem to forget that students have other classes, responsibilities, and most kids this age have a job, sometimes two.
Yes, there are perks to being a teenager. The freedom, youth, experiences, opportunities and relationships all play a part in making childhood great. The dances, sporting events, and time spend with people who care about one another make being a teenager worthwhile. Some people have different experiences in high school, some might be mostly good, and others mostly bad, but everything has it’s good and bad.
There might be those times where students enjoy teenage years, but honestly the suck seem to outweigh the rock. How often do teens complain about school, work, homework, and responsibilities? CONSTANTLY. That is because at the end of the day being a teenager isn’t very fun.