By: Grace Ehlinger [Ads Editor]
Every winter, Iowans face brutal weather and inconvenient travel conditions. However, this year some areas have almost not had winter at all with the warmer temperatures and hardly any large amounts of snow fall.
Now that winter is winding down, it seems like it never properly took place, and although this can be seen as a good thing, having each season distinctly different from the others is one of the nice things about living in the Midwest. It also makes it easier to appreciate summer when someone can think back to how badly they wanted it in December.
Of course the weather we had this winter is perfect for people who really couldn’t care less whether there is any snow or not and people who hate having to drive in blizzard conditions. And who can blame them when things like that are so unappealing? However, there are some nice things about winter weather that we have missed out on. For instance, having snow on Christmas, and having limited outdoor winter activities such as sledding and snowmobiling.
For all these reasons, winter should be better appreciated because of the somewhat pleasant moments it can occasionally provide. However, most people would still not be willing to go back, and do winter properly, and that seems fair.