By: Taylor Lamm [Staff Writer]
As Christmas approaches everyone begins to do last minute shopping. Spending loads of money on the gifts everyone wants. All this shopping can lead to running out of money on the holidays.
Everyone tries to buy the best gifts for their friends and loved ones. While people are out shopping the thought of prices doesn’t always cross their mind, and they can end up spending more money then they had planned on. But shopping for the holidays can be made very easy and affordable if people watch the prices of what they buy.
Another way people can have enough money for the holidays and not go broke would be to start saving up earlier in the year. Saving money can help out a lot and will give you extra cash if you need some. Some people might think that saving money is hard to do. Some ways would be to put change in a jar or even putting any extra cash you have in a box or somewhere that wont be forgotten about.
No one has to go in debt just because of the holiday shopping. There are a lot of ways to save money or keep yourself from buying expensive stuff. It might take some effort and planning but in the end there will still be money for yourself.