Piercings have a history that extends through many different cultures and generations of people. The practice of nose piercings alone stems back to 1500 BC, accentuating its ingrained importance. In ancient Rome, gladiators would get piercings to show their strength and power; it was also thought to symbolize the unity of the Roman army. Meanwhile, in early Egyptian culture, gold piercings signified that one had wealth and status, often being worn by pharaohs and members of the royal family. Finally, in India, getting a nose piercing is a coming-of-age tradition to symbolize the transition from young girl to young adult. Piercings have been part of human history for thousands of years, spanning nearly ninety generations.
However, I have witnessed many people of the older age groups not understanding the appeal of getting another hole in one’s body, my grandparents and mother included. I have often heard that I’m not old enough to make such a decision and will regret it later in life. Yet studies have shown that it’s possible to get rid of piercing holes in a variety of different ways, including waiting for the tissue to grow back, getting them sewn shut, etc. Business owners often reflect on piercings as unprofessional or irresponsible as well. This raises the question: if piercings have been around for such a long time and have so much meaning to them, why is there such opposition now?
I believe that the decision to get a piercing should rest solely with the individual; if they end up regretting it later, that’s their right. It seems insane that people would see someone differently if they got an eyebrow or lip piercing, that it would somehow change their personality. People should be way less judgmental about what doesn’t affect them in the least. Piercings should represent individuality, uniqueness, and confidence, not embarrassment. They should be something that people are proud to have like they’ve just joined a new club. Instead, I’d have to worry about whether or not I could get a job or look immature. In a world where we have this ideal person that we think is the most beautiful and that we all strive to be, we should try to find our own unique elegance and do what makes us feel pretty.
For many, that thing is getting a new piercing. The most popular piercings this year include lots of cartilage piercings and tragus piercings. For me, I plan to get my doubles, a helix, and a nose ring. Those people who turn away from the crowd are making a way for others to follow what they think true beauty is. We aren’t going to fit into this mold that society thinks “real” beauty is. One can always tell the people who are too afraid to stride away from the pack by how much they stress to fit in.
From my own experience, people who have piercings tend to be fun and exciting to be around; they have their own distinct way of living. As a society, burdened with so many mental health challenges, we must take action now. It is crucial to pave a path for future generations. Would you really want your future daughter or son to be so put down by pressure that they couldn’t show who they are? If we actually want to be a country of the future, we should start by being ourselves without apology. Each piercing tells a unique story, displaying cultural traditions, personal journeys, and artistry. Change only has to start with one person; make that person you, today.